BPFA was founded to be a voice for Black policy professionals in the food and agriculture industry.
Promoting, advancing, and ensuring the representation of those very individuals is at the forefront of our mission.
All applicants, without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or identity, are welcome to join BPFA.
Membership shall consist of payment of the specified annual membership fee; and subscription to the purpose of the Organization.
Membership allows for one vote in all elections and yearly access to programs, events, and a member directory.
Below are the three classes of membership and their corresponding dues:
Young Professional - $25;
Government/ Non-Profit Professional - $50; and
Private Sector/ Corporate Professional - $100.
If you haven’t already done so, please first fill out our membership form, linked below. Next, remit payment based on the appropriate class of membership via Zelle (using our email address bpfa.dc @ gmail.com).